
Troforte Plant Tablets

Troforte Plant Tablets are the easiest way to provide a measured dose of nutrients to plants. Feeds for 8 months.
Troforte Plant Tablets
Available in 500g Tubs & 10kg Cartons

Consider the benefits of Troforte® Plant Tablets

  • Insures your plants against transplant shock
  • Provides up to 8 months of nutrients
  • Contains a specially selected suite of beneficial soil microbes and minerals
  • Easy to use – Simply drop in the tablets into the planting hole
  • Contains a full spectrum of trace elements
  • Packed in a handy 500 gram tub (50 x 10g tablets) to keep around the home. For the bigger landscaping jobs, 10kg cartons (1000 x 10g) cartons are also available.